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Our Family

Don & Charlotte Dipper

At 91 years old, Don still comes to the farm every day, but he's finally earned the right to do only the tasks he chooses. Charlotte manages Don (kind of) and also pitches in with meal deliveries, runs a bridge group and is thoroughly enjoying her golden years.

Malcolm & Susan Head

Malcolm and Susan are both graduates of the University of Illinois. Malcom is the patriarch of the family, and also the general manager of the farm. Susan is our utility player, often juggling her duties as head chef, chief calf washers, field mover, and more.

Rollin & Sasha Head

Rollin is also a graduate of U of I, and keeps his focus on the cattle side of our business, managing the breeding and calving of our operation. Sasha works part-time as a Dental Hygienist and also spends a good amount of time helping work cattle and chasing their active kids, Raegan (5) and Maddox (2).

Alex & Lena Head

Alex and Lena also graduated from the University of Illinois with degrees in Ag Business. Alex is responsible for the row crop segment of the farm, driving the planting and harvesting schedules. Lena works off farm as the Global Product Manager for GSI's Grain Bin Storage business..

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